| Web scraping made easy



For APIs

Chrome extension



Chrome extension

Scrape the web on autopilot

Set up custom web scrapers in less than 2 minutes. No proxies, configuration, or developers required.

Enrich data now!

Use Cases

Scrape the web on autopilot

Set up custom web scrapers in less than 2 minutes. No proxies, configuration, or developers required.

Enrich data now!

Use Cases

Scrape the web on autopilot

Set up custom web scrapers in less than 2 minutes. No proxies, configuration, or developers required.

Scrape the web on autopilot

Set up custom web scrapers in less than 2 minutes. No proxies, configuration, or developers required.

Enrich data now!

Use Cases

Access web data fast

Access web data - fast. Pre-built scrapers require 0 configuration or maintenance.

Pick a data source

Databar offers thousands of pre-built connectors which let you gather data from any website in the world.

View all connectors

Launch your data collector

All data schemas, filters, and requests are pre-configured - all you need to do is customize your collector and click run. Schedule scrapers to run every minute, day, week, or month.

Enrich and combine multiple data sources

See the packages your project depends on, the repositories that depend on them, and any vulnerabilities detected in their dependencies.

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Visualize and analyze

Databar offers a full suite of visualization and analytics tools. Group rows and build visualizations

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All-inclusive connectors

Web scrapers require 0 configuration or setup. Thousands of scrapers available right out of the box.

Get started with Databar today

Open a new world of data and connectors. Get started today!

Get started with Databar today

Open a new world of data and connectors. Get started today!

Get started with Databar today

Open a new world of data and connectors. Get started today!

All-inclusive connectors

Web scrapers require 0 configuration or setup. Thousands of scrapers available right out of the box.