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Search e-commerce stores
Search e-commerce stores & brands with filters. You can filter by the store's location, hosting platform (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.), as well as product prices and other attributes.
LinkedIn People Search
Search for people on LinkedIn with filters.
LinkedIn Company Search
Search companies on LinkedIn with filters and search terms.
Lookalike companies search
Search companies with natural language, key words, and lookalike websites.
Google News Scraper
Search Google News stories in real-time.
Amazon search scraper
Get search results from Amazon in real time.
App store search scraper
Collect search results from the Apple app store.
Top news headlines RSS
Provides live top and breaking headlines for a country, specific category in a country, single source, or multiple sources. You can also search with keywords.
Historic & current news articles
Search through millions of historic articles from over 80,000 large and small news sources and blogs.
Public company profile
Any US public company profile & general info, including address, employees, and stock overview.
Public company key executives
Get key company executives for any public company.
Public company income statement
Get income statements for any publicly traded company.
Public Company Balance Sheet Statements
Get quarterly and annual balance sheet statements for any public company.
Public company cash flow statements
Quarterly and annual cash flow statements for public companies.
Public company shares float
Shares float for any public company. Float refers to the regular shares a company has issued to the public and are available for investors to trade.
Earnings call transcripts
Transcripts for public company earnings calls. Specify by quarter or year.
Public Company Financial Ratios
Get any public company's financial ratios (liquidity, profitability, debt, operating, and other indicators).
Company Enterprise Value
Get a company enterprise value based on its financial statement.
Crimes USA Raw Data
Raw crime data in the US. Includes each crime as a separate row of data and provides information on the location, type, and date/time of crimes.
Crime statistics for a given area
Total number of crime incidents by location (US only), incident type, and time period.
Search news articles by key word
Search for topics in the Connexun news database as well as their sentiment and descriptions by key word.
Latest news feed with sentiment
Fetches the latest published news, as gathered by Connexun. Can be used to get a continuous feed of news on your dashboard.
Get Github user public activity
Enter a GitHub username, and get all of the user's public activity on Github.