Telegram scraper: channel profiles
Get general information about any Telegram channel, including its link, name, description, avatar, and number of subscribers.
Google Maps reviews scraper
Returns Google Maps reviews for any given location. You can filter by dates, ratings, coordinates, and languages.
Google Maps scraper
Scrape locations from Google Maps based on a custom search query. This dataset is optimized for faster speeds and can be used real time.
See all
Website emails & contacts
Get email addresses, site data, social links and phone numbers from any domain.
Email validator
Find out if an entered email is valid, in blacklists and has valid DNS and SMTP.
Enrich emails with people and company data
The Clearbit combined API, which returns both a person's name, place of work, seniority/position, social media handles, and images from their email, as well as detailed data about the company the email belongs to.
Get Google Play app data by id
Get data about any given app, including reviews, ratings, releases, downloads, links, and logos.
Scrape Google Play app developers by id
Get data about app developers by ID.
Google Play app downloads and revenue estimates
Google Play app download and revenue estimates by App Store Spy.
Google Maps reviews scraper
Returns Google Maps reviews for any given location. You can filter by dates, ratings, coordinates, and languages.
Yelp reviews scraper
Scrape reviews from Yelp businesses. You can filter by review dates, links to business profiles, or search terms.
Amazon reviews scraper
Scrape Amazon product reviews for any given product by URL or ASIN.
Preview is limited for non-registered users.