You can use this API to access App details and reviews with the App API or look up the same for domains with the Domain API.
Search e-commerce stores
Search e-commerce stores & brands with filters. You can filter by the store's location, hosting platform (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.), as well as product prices and other attributes.
Get e-commerce marketplace app data
Gets data for a given e-commerce app or extension from Shopify/Magento/etc. app stores.
Get Shopify marketplace app reviews
Returns a list of reviews for an app on the Shopify marketplace.
Get brand data by link
Retrieves details about a brand by their website, including their location, platform used, employee counts, rankings, and other data.
Search e-commerce marketplace apps
Search for extensions and apps from Shopify and other marketplaces.
Scrape data Google Maps, SERP, Google Play Store, and many other websites
App store spy
Use the App Store Spy API to receive information on any App Store or Google Play app.
Market intelligence to monitor sales, growth, risk & distress signals in companies, as well as track industry trends & issues.