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Top Web Scraper APIs

Use one of our web scrapers to get data from popular web services such as Google Maps, Google Search, Google Photos, Amazon, Instagram, and Linkedin!

Telegram scraper: channel profiles logo

Telegram scraper: channel profiles

Get general information about any Telegram channel, including its link, name, description, avatar, and number of subscribers.

By: TGStat
API Network
Google Maps reviews scraper logo

Google Maps reviews scraper

Returns Google Maps reviews for any given location. You can filter by dates, ratings, coordinates, and languages.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Google Maps scraper logo

Google Maps scraper

Scrape locations from Google Maps based on a custom search query. This dataset is optimized for faster speeds and can be used real time.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Google Maps photos scraper logo

Google Maps photos scraper

Returns Google Maps photos from locations based on search queries. Filter by coordinates, languages, and specific locations.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Google Search scraper (SERP) logo

Google Search scraper (SERP)

Returns search engine results pages (SERP) from Google based on a given search query. Filter your search by language, region, or UULE.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Yelp reviews scraper logo

Yelp reviews scraper

Scrape reviews from Yelp businesses. You can filter by review dates, links to business profiles, or search terms.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Amazon products scraper logo

Amazon products scraper

Scrape detailed data about Amazon products.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Amazon reviews scraper logo

Amazon reviews scraper

Scrape Amazon product reviews for any given product by URL or ASIN.

By: Outscraper
API Network
Google Play applications logo

Google Play applications

Get data about any given app, including reviews, ratings, releases, downloads, links, and logos.

By: App store spy
API Network
Scrape Google Play app developers by id logo

Scrape Google Play app developers by id

Get data about app developers by ID.

By: App store spy
API Network
Scrape App Store apps by id logo

Scrape App Store apps by id

Returns details about any app in the App Store, including the number of reviews, ratings, descriptions, screenshots, and others.

By: App store spy
API Network
Google Shopping product scraper by GTIN/EAN logo

Google Shopping product scraper by GTIN/EAN

This dataset returns Google Shopping data from a given country and EAN code. Some of the data includes individual products, buybox data, and min/max prices.

By: ShoppingScraper
API Network
Google Shopping product scraper by key word logo

Google Shopping product scraper by key word

This dataset returns Google Shopping data from a given country and key word. Some of the data includes individual products, buybox data, and min/max prices.

By: ShoppingScraper
API Network
Web shop scraper - product details logo

Web shop scraper - product details

Scrape any web shop's product details page from its link.

By: ShoppingScraper
API Network
LinkedIn company search scraper logo

LinkedIn company search scraper

Perform a LinkedIn search to find people or companies for your provided search filters.

By: ProAPIs
API Network

What are Web Scraper APIs?

Web scraper APIs are built to make web scraping as easy as possible. Normally if you'd like to scrape any website, you need to set up proxies, bypass captchas, and blockers, and maintain a robust infrastructure that ensures your scraper doesn't break. With scraper APIs on, you don't need to set up any of the technical infrastructure - simply pick a website to scrape, enter keywords, and we'll get you a clean, structured table in under 2 minutes.

What can Web Scraper APIs be used for?

1. Data collection: Web scraper APIs can be used to collect data from websites, such as product information, pricing data, and customer reviews. This data can be used for market research, competitive analysis, and product development. 2. Lead generation: Web scraper APIs can be used to extract contact information from websites, such as email addresses and phone numbers. This information can be used for lead generation and outreach. 3. Content creation: Web scraper APIs can be used to gather data and content from websites, such as news articles, blog posts, and social media content. This content can be used to create original content for a website or social media channels. 4. Price monitoring: Web scraper APIs can be used to monitor prices on e-commerce websites and notify users of price changes or deals. This can be useful for e-commerce businesses and consumers looking to save money on purchases.

What data can be accessed through Web Scraper APIs?

Web scraper APIs can extract various types of data from websites, such as product information, pricing data, customer reviews, contact information, news articles, social media content, and profiles.