Data collectors built by our team.
Google News Scraper
Search Google News stories in real-time.
Amazon search scraper
Get search results from Amazon in real time.
LinkedIn jobs search by key word and location
Search LinkedIn job boards by key words ("software engineer") and locations.
Search companies on LinkedIn by key word
Fetch LinkedIn company data from keywords
Get Twitter latest posts
Fetch the latest posts shown for a search query on Twitter
Get X Posts (Tweets) from hashtag
Fetches X (Twitter) posts by hashtag.
Get Tweets from geolocation
Fetch Twitter tweets from geolocation
Tranco Domain Rankings
Fetch the ranking of a domain for the past 30 days on the web. A strong alternative to AlexaRank.
LinkedIn posts search scraper
Retrieves LinkedIn posts by a given search query.
Get LinkedIn posts of user with reactions
Returns a person's most recent LinkedIn posts along with reactions & commenters.
Zillow search scraper
Input a Zillow search link and get back all listings.
Founders data
Retrieves founder data about any given company.
LinkedIn follower history
Gets timeseries of LinkedIn follower growth.
Get company LinkedIn posts with reactions
Returns a person's most recent LinkedIn posts together with everyone who reacted or liked each post.
Get LinkedIn post comments
Retrieves LinkedIn posts comments by a given search query.
Verify WhatsApp number exists
Checks if a given phone number has a WhatsApp account attached to it.
Verify phone number
A simple phone number validator.
Get LinkedIn posts of user
Returns a person's most recent LinkedIn posts.
Real time news headlines, articles & dynamic summaries from 10k+ open web sources
Hacker News API
The official Hacker News API. Access real-time public Hacker News information without code.
Data for SEO API
Optimize SEO efforts with real-time keyword & SERP data.