The best APIs for venture capital
A curated list of datasets for company, people, and market data for VC investors.

Get Github user public activity
Enter a GitHub username, and get all of the user's public activity on Github.

Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Tracker
Search all merger and acquisitions between two given dates from the Intellizence database.

Company layoffs
Search layoff activity across companies with filters by date and number of people laid off.

Hubspot CRM companies
Export company names and domains from your Hubspot CRM.

Search Github repositories
Search GitHub repositories by search query. Returns a list of repositories along with creator, stars/watchers statistics, and descriptions.

Get TechCrunch articles
Extracts the latest or most relevant articles from TechCrunch by category or key word.

Search people at company
Find and prospect people and emails with filters. Find people at a given company, location, or other identifiers.

Get featured Product Hunt posts
Returns the top featured posts on Product Hunt today and historically. You can also go back in time with this API by entering the number of days back you'd like to see posts.

LinkedIn jobs search by key word and location
Search LinkedIn job boards by key words ("software engineer") and locations.

LinkedIn company profile scraper
Retrieve profile details for any company on LinkedIn.

Search companies with filters
Search for companies with 10 different filters, including revenue, location, industry, name, and more.

Search people with filters
Search people via the Diffbot base with filters.

App store search scraper
Collect search results from the Apple app store.
How can I use these APIs for investing?
Monitor job changes for people of interest, track company growth, and find new opportunities from alternative sources such as Product Hunt, TechCrunch, or HackerNews. The APIs above are best paired with enrichments, which you can set up from your Databar table.