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Financial Modeling Prep
Social Media Sentiment for a specific stock

Social Media Sentiment for a specific stock

With this endpoint, you can keep track of what people are saying about individual stocks on social media (Reddit, Yahoo, StockTwits, Twitter, and others).

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Financial Modeling Prep
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With this endpoint, you can keep track of what people are saying about individual stocks on social media. Reddit, Yahoo, StockTwits, and Twitter are among the sites monitored. Absolute index field indicates how much people are talking about the stock, relative index also indicates it ​but relative to previous day. Sentiment field indicates overall percentage of positive activity, while general perception indicates whether people are more positive or negative than usual. This endpoint is updated with new data every hour, but it also contains historic data. Because social sentiment has a significant impact on stock price, it is critical to keep track of it.

What you give (inputs)
Stock ticker
What you get (outputs)
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