Enrich leads and verify emails with Leadmagic.
Email validator
LeadMagic's Email Validation which provides information on whether an email address is valid or not.
Email finder by name
Finds email addresses by first name, last name, and website link.
Mobile phone finder
Finds mobile phone numbers by social media profile link.
Search people by LinkedIn link
Provide a B2B Profile URL and get back the full profile details of the person.
Get company data by link
Provide a Company Profile URL, Company Domain, or Company Name and return back the full details for that company.
Competitor search
Get the competitors of any given company by its name or link.
Find open jobs at companies
Searches for open job postings at a given company by its link or social profile.
Get linkedin by email
Find linkedin of prospect from their email address.
Find people by company and job title
Provide the company name or domain and the required job title, and retrieve the corresponding person.
Scrape data Google Maps, SERP, Google Play Store, and many other websites
App store spy
Use the App Store Spy API to receive information on any App Store or Google Play app.
Market intelligence to monitor sales, growth, risk & distress signals in companies, as well as track industry trends & issues.