Best City Data APIs
Discover the hidden gems of your favorite city with City Data APIs - the perfect tool to access real-time data and insights on attractions, events, weather, and more!

Google Maps reviews scraper
Returns Google Maps reviews for any given location. You can filter by dates, ratings, coordinates, and languages.

Google Maps scraper
Scrape locations from Google Maps based on a custom search query. This dataset is optimized for faster speeds and can be used real time.

Google Maps directions between two points
Returns directions and data between two points from Google Maps. This dataset lets you scrape the duration between two points at any given time period.

Yelp reviews scraper
Scrape reviews from Yelp businesses. You can filter by review dates, links to business profiles, or search terms.

Airports and stations by city
Returns all airports, railways, and bus stations for a given city (with autocomplete).

City database download
Download a complete database of cities with filters by country and IATA codes.

Enrich emails with people and company data
The Clearbit combined API, which returns both a person's name, place of work, seniority/position, social media handles, and images from their email, as well as detailed data about the company the email belongs to.

Enrich people data by email
Enhances an email address, name, URL, or phone number with data about the person, such as their social media handles, gender, age, locations, and past work experience.

Get people data by name
Enhances a name with data about the person, such as their social media handles, gender, age, locations, and past work experience.

Google Maps scraper with contact info
This connector collects data from Google Maps for any given search query and extracts contact info, business phone numbers, and social handles from the location's website.

Get details about a place on Google Maps
Get details about a place on Google Maps

All ZIP codes within a city
This endpoint returns a list of postal codes based on a city.

People search with filters
Get information about multiple people from a particular company, role, seniority, or location.

Enrich person contact data
Get detailed information about people within a company from the Apollo database.

Search people at company
Find and prospect people and emails with filters. Find people at a given company, location, or other identifiers.

Trustpilot reviews scraper
Returns reviews for any given business on Trustpilot.

Tripadvisor Reviews
Returns reviews from Tripadvisor businesses.
What can City Data APIs be used for?
1. Real-time updates on local events and attractions, including festivals, concerts, and exhibitions, to help tourists plan their itineraries and create engaging marketing campaigns. 2. Access to weather data and forecasts, which can be used to create targeted promotions for seasonal activities or adapt plans based on changing weather conditions. 3. Information on transportation systems, including real-time traffic updates, public transportation schedules, and ride-share options, to help tourists navigate the city and plan efficient transportation routes. 4. Access to data on popular tourist destinations, including museums, galleries, landmarks, and restaurants, which can be used to create engaging and informative travel guides or marketing campaigns. Insights into the local economy and demographics, which can be used to identify market opportunities or target specific tourist segments with tailored promotions and campaigns.
Who uses City Data APIs?
City Data APIs are used by a wide range of people, including tourists, travel agencies, event planners, city governments, urban planners, and marketers looking to access real-time data and insights on cities around the world