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Apollo API
People Search

People Search

Get information about multiple people from a particular company, role, seniority, or location

Data source:
Apollo API
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This endpoint fetches information about multiple people. the more information you pass in, the more likely we can find a match. You can categorise and search for people by particular company, role, seniority, or location. Information on each person will return detailed information on their career history, current company, and company details.

Use cases:

  1. Tailor outreach campaigns based on the identified titles to ensure messages resonate with the recipients' roles and responsibilities
  2. Customize sales strategies for companies with varying employee counts, adapting approaches for smaller and larger organizations
  3. Streamline the recruitment process by identifying candidates with the desired expertise for the role
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What you get (outputs)
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Always-fresh data gathered in real-time
Data is gathered in real-time when you submit your request so results are always fresh and reliable.
GDPR Compliant
This tool only provides publicly available data on the internet. Both US and European law permits such data to be used for commercial purposes.
Millions of successful requests
Join thousands of happy customers who have scaled with our real-time data collection tools.
Data is gathered in real-time
All data is fresh and gathered in real-time so every lead list you download is up-to-date and valid.
No technical skills required
Databar is built for non-technical users and eliminates the need for a developer.