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Track personal or company mentions and reach

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#Social media
A world icon
Included in the Databar API Network
15 connectors
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Auth via Databar

TGStat collects over 22 million data points from over a thousand channels and groups in real-time. Brands, companies, and users will be able to track their mentions in Telegram channels and groups by accessing this data via


This API offers a range of endpoints that help you monitor brand or entity mentions, get detailed statistics about any Telegram post or channel, scrape posts based on custom criteria, and search for Telegram channels using keywords and filters. TGStat is the perfect tool for individuals and companies who want to keep track of their online presence on Telegram.

Connectors (15)
Recipes (0)
Enrichments (0)
All connectors that are currently available from Databar web scrapers.
Always-fresh data gathered in real-time
Data is gathered in real-time when you submit your request so results are always fresh and reliable.
GDPR Compliant
This tool only provides publicly available data on the internet. Both US and European law permits such data to be used for commercial purposes.
Millions of successful requests
Join thousands of happy customers who have scaled with our real-time data collection tools.
Data is gathered in real-time
All data is fresh and gathered in real-time so every lead list you download is up-to-date and valid.
No technical skills required
Databar is built for non-technical users and eliminates the need for a developer.
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