Search people & companies
Find leads in real time.

Search universities
Search for universities and educational institutions by country or name.

LinkedIn People Search
Search for people on LinkedIn with filters.

Google Maps scraper
Scrape locations from Google Maps based on a custom search query. This dataset is optimized for faster speeds and can be used real time.

App store search scraper
Collect search results from the Apple app store.

Search companies with filters
Get company profiles matching the search criteria.

Search companies with filters
Search for companies with filters.

Search people with filters
Input search filters and get profiles that match.

People search with filters
Get information about multiple people from a particular company, role, seniority, or location.

Search e-commerce stores
Search e-commerce stores & brands with filters. You can filter by the store's location, hosting platform (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.), as well as product prices and other attributes.

Search companies with filters
Search for companies with 10 different filters, including revenue, location, industry, name, and more.

Trustpilot search scraper
Returns search results from Trustpilot by search query or business category. Includes the company's website, ratings, reviews, address, and other data.

Search people with filters
Search people via the Diffbot base with filters.

Google Maps scraper with contact info
This connector collects data from Google Maps for any given search query and extracts contact info, business phone numbers, and social handles from the location's website.

Search people with filters
Get profiles matching the search criteria.

LinkedIn Company Search
Search companies on LinkedIn with filters and search terms.

Get VC & PE investor portfolio
Get all companies in the portfolio of a given Venture Capital or Private Equity investor.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator contacts exporter
Export leads directly from Sales Navigator WITHOUT needing a token or connecting your account.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator accounts exporter
Export companies/accounts directly from Sales Navigator WITHOUT needing a token or connecting your account.