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Enrich leads for better conversion with Databar

Enrich leads prospects for better conversion with


by Databar

In today's business landscape, strategic lead enrichment isn't just an option—it's necessary. Whether aiming for customer insights, streamlined decision-making, or a competitive edge, enriching leads is a critical step. However, this can often pose a challenge for those without the technical expertise to do so. Luckily, Databar's many enrichment-focused endpoints simplify the process for all users.

Why Enriching Leads Matters:

1. Precision Marketing Insights:

  • Tailoring marketing strategies with integrated demographic and behavioural data to create targeted customer personas.

  • Understanding customer sentiment and preferences through enriched data with social media, sentiment analysis, and product reviews.

2. Strategic Sales and Lead Generation:

  • Identifying potential leads by merging existing customer data with publicly available information and creating comprehensive lead profiles.

3. Elevating E-commerce Strategies:

  • Refining product recommendations through external data sources, delivering personalized shopping experiences.

  • Optimizing pricing strategies by analyzing competitor pricing and market trends.

4. Streamlined Human Resources and Talent Acquisition:

  • Simplifying the recruitment process by enriching candidate profiles with data from social media and professional networks.

Using Databar to Enrich Your Leads

Enriching your leads has never been easier with Databar's enrichment APIs:

  1. Clearbit People API:
    This is an endpoint for getting a person's name, place of work, seniority/position, social media handles, and images from their email.

  2. Apollo API:
    The data provided through the enrichment gives a detailed overview of the person's background from career history to company details and even social media links.

  3. Diffbot API:
    Enhance is an enrichment API from Diffbot to find a person or organization using partial data as input.

  4. Zippopotam API
    Retrieve the city, longitude, latitude, and state data from a zip code.

The availability of enrichment APIs, such as Clearbit People, Apollo, Diffbot, and Zippopotam, further demonstrates how Databar makes the enrichment process accessible and efficient. Elevate your lead enrichment game effortlessly—leverage Databar today to propel your business or professional pursuits to new heights.

About Databar

Databar is a no-code API connector, revolutionizing data gathering and enrichment through a user-friendly spreadsheet UI. The platform boasts a diverse library of APIs, allowing you to gain competitive intelligence, fuel your marketing operations, and conduct research using real-time data. For more information, visit

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