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Defi Llama TVL

Defi Llama TVL

Service that provides information about the total amount of funds invested in DeFi services, specifically TVL (Total Value Locked).

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Included in the Databar API Network
3 connectors
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Service that provides information about the total amount of funds invested in DeFi services, specifically TVL (Total Value Locked). This set of endpoints specifically focuses on TVL (Total Value Locked), which is a metric that represents the total dollar value of cryptocurrencies currently locked up on DeFi or on a single application's smart contracts. Defi Llama is the largest TVL (Total Value Locked) data aggregator for DeFi (Decentralized Finance). The data is fully open-source and maintained by a team of passionate contributors. Defi Llama has a focus on accurate data and transparent methodology as they track over 1750 DeFi protocols from over 130 different blockchains.
Connectors (3)
Recipes (0)
Enrichments (0)
All connectors that are currently available from Databar web scrapers.


Current TVL on all chains
Returns the current TVL (Total Value Locked) across all chains (i.e. Ethereum), broken down by chain.
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Get historical TVL of a chain
Get historical TVL of a chain
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Historical TVL of DeFi on all chains
Returns historical TVL (Total Value Locked) of DeFi across all available chains.
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