Top Flight Data APIs
Get real-time flight stats with Top Flight Data APIs and soar to new heights!
Search airports and terminals by coordinates
Search for airports and cities nearby a certain latitude or longitude, within a given distance.
Historic flight schedules
Search for the departure and arrival schedule for any given airport, date, and airline.
Airports and stations by city
Returns all airports, railways, and bus stations for a given city (with autocomplete).
Future airport schedules
Returns schedules for any given airport, including arriving and departing flights. You can filter by date, airport, and flight type (departure or arrival).
Global airport database download
Download a full database of all global airports (updated).
What can Flight Data APIs be used for?
1. Real-time flight tracking and monitoring 2. Flight schedules, delays, and cancellations information 3. Geolocation-based marketing campaigns for airlines, airports, and travel-related businesses 4. Market research and analysis of travel trends and preferences
What data can be accessed through Flight Data APIs?
Flight Data APIs offer real-time flight tracking, flight schedules, airport and aircraft data, as well as historical flight data.
Who uses Flight Data APIs?
Flight Data APIs are used by a range of businesses, including marketing agencies, aviation-focused companies, or even individuals looking to optimize their travel.