Leads with intent
Search leads with intent.

LinkedIn jobs search by key word and location
Search LinkedIn job boards by key words ("software engineer") and locations.

Search Hacker News
Sorted by relevance, then points, then number of comments

Get company LinkedIn posts with reactions
Returns a person's most recent LinkedIn posts together with everyone who reacted or liked each post.

Search job postings (all-in-one)
This endpoints lets you find the most recent jobs, filter them by companies, technologies or any pattern in the job description. The results includes data about the company, including social links, company website, and other data points.

Get LinkedIn post comments
Retrieves LinkedIn posts comments by a given search query.

Competitor search
Get the competitors of any given company by its name or link.

Get competitors of any company from Owler
Takes a company URL as input and returns that company's competitors.

Job postings search
Searches for job postings by a given job site/platform.

Get LinkedIn posts of user with reactions
Returns a person's most recent LinkedIn posts along with reactions & commenters.

LinkedIn posts search scraper
Retrieves LinkedIn posts by a given search query.

Lookalike companies search
Search companies with natural language, key words, and lookalike websites.

Lookalike companies search
Find companies similar to a list of companies.

Google Jobs Search
Search jobs posted on Google Jobs.

Lookalike search (PandaMatch)
Search for companies with filters & similar companies.

Startup postings online
A news feed of posts on HackerNews and ProductHunt by startups.

Top SEO Competitors for a domain
Get top SEO competitors for a domain that ranks for the same keywords.

Get websites using specific technologies
Returns a list of companies that are currently using a specific list of technologies across the internet.

Get TechCrunch articles
Extracts the latest or most relevant articles from TechCrunch by category or key word.

Indeed jobs scraper
Collect all active jobs currently posted on Indeed by key word or filter. Filters for location and date posted available.