Company Data APIs
Get data about any public or private organization.
Website emails & contacts
Get email addresses, site data, social links and phone numbers from any domain.
Company layoffs
Search layoff activity across companies with filters by date and number of people laid off.
Get company data from website link
An endpoint to get a company's name, aliases, phone, descriptions, social media tags (including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Crunchbase), metrics, and categories from a domain/website link.
Find emails by department and URL
Enter a company domain and get a list of emails from that company.
Tech stack lookup by domain
Find out which technologies (frameworks, programming languages, external integrations) are used at any given domain/URL.
Company lookup by name
An API to get information about a company from its name.
Get organization data by name
Enhances a company name with data about organizations, such as their social media handles, revenue, locations, and other data.
Enrich company data by name or link
Enhances a company URL with data about organizations, such as their social media handles, revenue, locations, and other data.
Company Profile Lookup
Get general information about a company. You can query by symbol, ISIN, or CUSIP.
Company News Lookup
List the latest company news by the symbol.
Organization Enrichment
Get any organization's industry, company size, phone numbers, social media handles, and other data by URL.
Company job postings API
Get a list of active job postings for a company.
Company Data
Get the name of the organization behind the IP, the type of business, and its domain.
What do Company Data APIs do?
Company & organization APIs can get you hundreds of data points on any private company, including the number of employees currently working there, emails of key decision-makers, and even estimated revenues.
What can Company Data APIs be used for?
1. Market research: APIs can be used to gather data from multiple sources to gain insights into industry trends, consumer behavior, and market opportunities. 2. Competitor analysis: APIs can be used to gather data on competitors to gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement in your own marketing strategy. 3. Customer profiling: APIs can be used to gather data from multiple sources to build detailed customer profiles.
Who uses Company Data APIs?
Marketing and advertising agencies, e-commerce companies, SaaS businesses, and more.
What data can be accessed through Company Data APIs?
Generally, company and organization APIs can provide access to data such as general organization information like headcount, location, and more domain-specific data like financial data.