Access CoinGecko data such as live pricing, trading volume, tickers, exchanges and other.
CoinGeck is one of the largest crypto intelligence platfroms in the world, providing data on thousands of cryptocurrencies in real time. With this API, you can access CoinGecko's independently sourced data, including live prices, trading volume, exchanges, images, and community statistics. This API is free to use.
Here are some of the things you can build with the CoinGecko API:
Set up a live market tracker
With the CoinGecko Coins market related data endpoint you can get high level data on all coins listed on, including their current price, market cap, price changes, circulated & max supplies, and more. This dataset is ideal for high level visualizations of top performing cryptocurrencies within specific categories.
Track market activity across cryptocurrency exchanges
CoinGecko provides several endpoints to track activity across markets and cryptocurrency exchanges, which provide insight into how much of each coin is traded across different platforms. Market activity across exchanges can be used as a predictor for future price changes and should be incorporated into crypto market analyses.